• Department of Soil Science @Faculty of Agriculture

History of the Department

The Department of Soil Science is a joint Department of the Faculty of Agriculture and the Institute for Agricultural Research (IAR) of the University. Faculty staff have the primary responsibility of teaching at both under-graduate and post-graduate levels. Their research function is normally tailored to fit into the Institute's research programme and objectives. The Institute staff on the other hand are primarily research personnel although they also participate, to a limited extent, in the teaching function of the Faculty, particularly at the post-graduate level, and mainly in the supervision of post-graduate studies; their involvement in under-graduate teaching is much less. The link between the Faculty and the Institute thus provides the research students with formal access to specialists in the Institute, whilst the latter benefits by way of promoting its research through the participation of graduate students.

Mission Statement

To advance the frontiers of knowledge of soil systems and environment through teaching, research and publication of the highest quality; to promote the conservation of soil, water and environmental resources for sustainable agriculture, and qualified human and animal health.

Vision Statement

To lead in the development and application of science based knowledge for understanding, designing and managing diverse and sustainable landscapes for food, fibre and bio-energy production along with recreational uses and critical ecosystem functions (e.g. soil, water, biodiversity and climate stability).

Programme Philosophy

Agriculture is a key sector of the Nigerian economy. It is responsible for the production of food and fibre for the rapidly growing population, and raw materials for industries. Modern agriculture is becoming extremely complex and technology driven, and thus requires the application of scientific principles to be able to produce the right quantity and quality of food and fibre. Consequently, graduates adequately trained and educated in the sciences of agriculture are required to provide the necessary leadership in agricultural production, research, extension, product utilisation and natural resources management.

The Faculty of Agriculture emphasises a multi-disciplinary approach in the education and training of students with a view to equipping them with the essential skills necessary to deal with the complexity of modern agriculture and natural resources management. At all times, the Faculty of Agriculture offers the best quality education and training to students to enable them use knowledge of basic sciences to frontiers of knowledge of agriculture and natural resources management through effective teaching, research and publication of the highest quality, and to promote sustainable agricultural development and environmental quality.

Programme Objectives

In pursuance of the above stated philosophy, the Department is committed to achieving the following objectives:


To make the Faculty a centre of excellence in training of scientists including postgraduate training in all aspects of agriculture.


To direct research efforts on relevant areas and generate appropriate solutions to agriculture and rural development problems at local national and global levels.


To promote inter-disciplinary collaboration in research and development among staff, students and external organisations.


To training competent young men and women for productive work in the public and private sectors as well as for self-employment.

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Featured Staff on Research Visibility

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Prof. Taiye Olugbemi

We are proud to feature another distinguished scholar of ABU named Prof. Taiye Olugbemi, Professor of Animal Science at Ahmadu Bello University Zaria who, as at Wednesday, 14th of June 2023, had not less than 798 citations with (h-Index score of 10 and i10-Index score of 10) credited to his research works as documented on Google Scholar.

The featured scholar’s areas of interest/specialization include Animal Nutrition and Production Systems

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