• Department of Soil Science @Faculty of Agriculture

Postgraduate Programmes

Posgraduate Soil Science programmes are available at PhD, MPhil, MSc and PGD levels. Please check application forms for PG programmes at the School of Postgraduate Studies (SPGS) application forms portal:


UG Programme

Our B. Agriculture undergraduate degree programme is of immense relevance to today’s society as humanity tackles sustainable food production to feed the world’s ever growing population.


Contact Us

We would love to hear from you concerning any complaints or suggestions you might have to enable the Department serve you better. Please call us or send an email to the contact below:

Phone: +234803 xxx xxxx
E-Mail: dept_email@abu.edu.ng

From The HoD

The Department of Soil Science is a joint Department of the Faculty of Agriculture and the Institute for Agricultural Research (IAR) of the University.

Faculty staff have the primary responsibility of teaching at both under-graduate and post-graduate levels. Their research function is normally tailored to fit into the Institute's research programme and objectives. The Institute staff on the other hand are primarily research personnel although they also participate, to a limited extent, in the teaching function of the Faculty, particularly at the post-graduate level, and mainly in the supervision of post-graduate studies; their involvement in under-graduate teaching is much less. The link between the Faculty and the Institute thus provides the research students with formal access to specialists in the Institute, whilst the latter benefits by way of promoting its research through the participation of graduate students.

Current HoD

Prof. Ado A. Yusuf

HoD, Department of Soil Science

Google Scholar

Featured Staff on Research Visibility

Google Scholar

Barroon Isma'eel Ahmad

We are proud to feature another distinguished scholar of ABU named Barroon Isma'eel Ahmad, Department of Computer Science at Ahmadu Bello University Zaria who, as at Tuesday, 13th of June 2023, had not less than 447 citations with (h-Index score of 7 and i10-Index score of 7) credited to his research works as documented on Google Scholar.

The featured scholar’s areas of interest/specialization include Health Informatics, Mobile & Pervasive Computing and eLearning

Citations Chart







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